Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I don't think I have shared with the www that I'm back in the work force.

I've been given the amazing opportunity to work in the delivery suite (as a nurse) at our local tertiary hospital.
I'm still orientating to the area, so I'm currently working full time. The kids and husband have been coping surprisingly well. We've had awesome support from my parents in law with child care and consequently the kids have been able to spend some very happy times with their grandparents.

As for the work, its wonderful.
Being a participant in such life changing events has really humbled me.
Seeing such raw and uncensored emotion during some very sacred moments has been extremely fulfilling.
However as you'd guess, it's not all happy babies, and it is a very fast paced and intense area to work in.
So, much like the women and families I'm coming into contact with, I feel like I'm on a journey. Reconciling emotions, moral beliefs and opinions along with the huge amount of new knowledge and skills. But I feel that I may have found my niche.

Till next time x

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