Friday, July 15, 2011


Whoa!! 3 posts in 1 day!

Another new addition to the clan - Poppet.
An old acquaintance of Flicker and Flamingo, I'm hoping they will all get along well. They will be separated till everyone has had their babies - don't want to risk any fighting at this stage.

Fiesta Friday

We've decided to have a weekly Fiesta Friday - idea blatantly stolen from Owlet
Yesterday we choose France to kick things off.
We talked about what France is famous for, the capital, currency and language
We spent a few days formulating a menu, shopping list etc and Ally even made menus:

So what did we have?
Almond Chicken
Cauliflower Casserole
Homey Roasted Yams
and for pudding Plum Clafoutis
Photobucket Photo credit: Ally


We have had so much rain lately - like weeks of constant rain. Anyhow, of course that would be the perfect time for my long serving gum boots to split across the toe. So I've been limping through puddles trying to keep my socks dry.
So yesterday I splashed out (hehehe!) and bought some super expensive new boots - my recently retired pair lasted me for 6 years, so I'm expecting the same length of service from these ones.
Oh the excitement!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Baby Wearing

Just a tiny disclaimer - I, in no way wear my bra this low to the ground just yet!


Well, we are milking...
Sadly, a small amount of milk is all we have to show for poor Flickers birth experience just over a week ago. Unfortunately neither of her buck or doe twins were born alive.
I'm not sure why they died or what caused it. But it was a traumatic experience for all. The vet had to come and remove the babies, despite Flickers best efforts.
After a few days of grieving Flicker seems to be improving and gradually also giving me more milk - although initially I felt rather mercenary, milking her after what happened.
However I must say that the whole experience has bought her and I closer together, and I now appear to have a dog/goat -she follows me constantly when I'm outside and gives me gentle kisses when I milk her. Shes a lovely girl and has a great temperament for milking.
Now we wait for her sister Flamingo... at least humans can tell you that they are going into labour, thus I gaze at my goat, watching for the slightest indication of impending birth!
Wish me well - my nerves are shattered!