Thursday, September 1, 2011

Quick Catch Up

As you can see I have once again been remiss in my blogging duties!
The last few moths have felt chaotic at times.
We've had new baby goats join the family, animal husbandry and routines to take care of, the kitchen has been humming with cheese making and preserving, homeschooling and tearful farewells to my sister who has moved to a distant land (thanks goodness for Skype!).
But now I feel that life is taking on a more gentle pace. The animals are more established and I've come to grips with the ins and outs of milking. My mind has turned to the unfinished projects that have been left languishing for the last few months - painting, half finished upholstry, knitting projects etc. With the days getting longer, there is a feeling of renewal in the air, and somehow amongst it all I can feel my motivation beginning to creep back.