Sunday, June 19, 2011

In a family way..

Well the fencing is all done - tight, strong and partly electric.
And 2 weeks ago Pepper found her herd!
We welcomed sisters Flicker and Flamingo to our little community and they've been settling in well. They are pedigree Anglo Nubians and are around 3 years old.
Also, very excitingly they are both in kid! Since they have both had TRIPLETS before, I'm planning on the goat numbers swelling by 3-6 new kids.
I feel like an expectant mother myself, knitting baby goat coats and preparing a wee nest for the mamas and their babies.
Pepper is enjoying the company - although she seems to be the annoying hyper active teenager of the group. They are very affectionate and love a scratch and a snuggle and I'm slowly attempting to train F & F to the milking stand.
Of course my master plan is to milk both Flicker and Flamingo for the house, and I'm expecting around 4 litres a day at peak production. Who knows, I may even branch out into cheese!
Unfortunately I have to get the vet out to see Flicker tomorrow - I'm reluctant to man handle the girls since they are only 3-4 weeks off kidding, but her rear hoof really needs some attention.
I'm very excited about the arrival of the babies, but thank goodness the girls have done it before - my goat midwifery skills are pretty non existent at this stage!

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