Monday, July 4, 2011


Well, we are milking...
Sadly, a small amount of milk is all we have to show for poor Flickers birth experience just over a week ago. Unfortunately neither of her buck or doe twins were born alive.
I'm not sure why they died or what caused it. But it was a traumatic experience for all. The vet had to come and remove the babies, despite Flickers best efforts.
After a few days of grieving Flicker seems to be improving and gradually also giving me more milk - although initially I felt rather mercenary, milking her after what happened.
However I must say that the whole experience has bought her and I closer together, and I now appear to have a dog/goat -she follows me constantly when I'm outside and gives me gentle kisses when I milk her. Shes a lovely girl and has a great temperament for milking.
Now we wait for her sister Flamingo... at least humans can tell you that they are going into labour, thus I gaze at my goat, watching for the slightest indication of impending birth!
Wish me well - my nerves are shattered!

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